Talent development -- specifically building up workforce skills -- is vital to pandemic success for Chief Human Resource Officers (CHROs). If we learn one thing from the pandemic, it should be that technology adoption has changed the world of work.Sam Palazzolo, Principal Officer @ The Javelin
How CHROs are Rethinking Recruiting to Identify Ideal Candidates during COVID-19
Assessing a candidate's cultural fit with the business during the recruiting process can be difficult to achieve in the best of times, let alone through a virtual recruitment procedure during the pandemic. Chief Human Resource Officers (CHROs) play a vital role in directing the recruitment efforts
2021 Priorities for CHROs in These Times of Uncertainty
The coronavirus has ensured that the workplace of tomorrow will be a whole lot different when the worst of the pandemic is past. Chief Human Resource Officers (CHROs) must step-up to help their companies and communities served to not only ride out the storm, but successfully emerge on the other
How to Effectively Deal with a Bad Virtual Boss
How to effectively deal with a bad virtual boss is a topic of conversation that I’ve recently had several times. In 2020, thanks in part to the COVID-19 pandemic and “work from home” mandates, the opportunity to take part in leadership and management development programs blossomed. I’ve often said
Are You as a Leader Failing Your Team?
Are you as a leader failing your team? One of the most compelling aspects of leadership is leading others. We often envision success, or victory, as a leader as standing with the team holding the trophy in celebration. But what happens when there is no trophy or victory... What happens when you fail
How Can a Small Business Fast-Track Innovation?
How can a Small Business Fast-Track Innovation? The Small Business Administration (SBA) and other federal agencies provide assistance for startups. If you have an idea that is financially feasible but doesn't yet meet the government's requirements for a "secure" start-up, you can apply to the SBA
Showing Leadership Appreciation is Not Enough – Employees Must Know They Are Appreciated
How important is showing leadership appreciation? In our experience... priceless! Showing leadership appreciation is crucial in having employees know that they are appreciated. But how do you show leadership appreciation for employees? In this post, we'll discuss the "art" of leadership
COVID-19 Leadership: Are You a Success or Failure? 3 Action Areas!
The Point: Grade yourself on your COVID-19 Leadership – Are you a success or a failure? You work your entire career to build your leadership brand. Day after day, week after week, and year after year you put forth a valiant effort (or, what we’d like call your “Blood, Sweat, and Spears!”) However,
Is Happiness a Requirement for Success?
Are you happy? Ask yourself right here/right now are you truly happy? It seems the world right now is not a very happy place. With a health pandemic raging on, long overdue protests taking place, and a world economy on the verge of collapsing the news headlines don’t share a lot to be happy about.